Testimonies and Stories of Better!
It's amazing to hear stories and testimonies on how people are living better lives!!! Read and rejoice, because it's them today. However, it can be you tomorrow..... you are next inline for your Blessing of BETTER! Share your story below in how God has blessed you to experience Better through A. L. Blue Ministries Inc.

Blessed to be a blessing
This Ministry is GOOD GROUND!
....Ask me how i know?
Pastor Blue, this is Dee from South Carollina. Thank you for being a Most Strong and Obedient Man of God! Thank you for being so Faithful to your continuous works in the Kingdom and for your Blessings to The Body of Christ!! I can't begin to tell you how Awesome u are!!!!🙏
I wanna tell you how I know this; you and your ministry. Now I've been with you for over a year. I can remember when there were only 9 callers on the line, now its hundreds lol!!.... so you know I've seen us grow!! I have had so many other testimonies through your teachings, and this is the one I want to share with you..... Two weeks ago on the Wed Lunch Time with God bible study afternoon call; after a powerful teaching you challenged for 2 people to sow a $100 seed. I was determined to sow my seed before the end of that call and with all the announcements, I registered and text'd that $100 seed in before that call ended.....
Would you believe, the next week, I received a pay increase WOW! Lord knows I needed it and I'd been asking and praying for it. And u know only He'll do it that fast!!! You were Teaching on increase at the time!!
Pastor Blue, I can't thank you enough for taking me personally to the next level in my mind and knowledge of what God Can and Will do for us!! I have an enormous project I am about to launch and I need your prayers and blessing..... I'm looking to be a million dollar giver, that's the level I want! And believe me, you're included in that giving...in the meantime, I am increasing my giving seed to ALBlue Ministries!!
Praise God for you and all you do as we increase in Our Better Living!!
Much love to you from South Carolina!!
PS. Can't wait to hear what God will use you to teach next. Stay Strong in The Lord and in your Well Doing, Keep Going!! You Were Made For This!!!
Love you Pastor Blue!!
South Carolina

Your story can be here! Share your testimony below!

I am Healed and It's For Real!
Last Thursday evening at the Better Life Encounter, Pastor Blue was about to do the closing prayer at service and he said there is someone with a pain in their shoulder. It was me! I have been suffering with a pain in my left shoulder for approximately six months. Pastor prayed for me, the pain did not go immediately but I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was healed. All the way home I kept praising and thanking God for my healing. I fell asleep thanking God for my healing. I slept very well.
The pain in my shoulder always acted up even more when I walked long distances. Friday morning I walked a mile and really did not notice that the pain was gone. It was about 1 hour later, I realized that when I walked earlier, I did not remember feeling uncomfortable or any pain. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was healed. I thanked and praised God all day for my healing. To God be the glory!
Thank you A.L.Blue Ministries for your 7am , Wed, 12 noon, saturday 9am bible studies and Live Thursday evening service during the week. These ministries have made such an impact and changes in my life. God Bless you and your Ministry
God Bless you all.
Candy Q.
Hunters Creek FL.

The Daily PrayerCAST
It Makes My Day!
It's an awesome fact that I am growing with God on a daily basis because of the Morning Prayer cast. I had no idea I could be inspiried every morning to grow in God and go about my day feeling better than I did the day before.
Pastor Blue if you only knew how much your ministry has blessed me and my family. My wife can not get enough of how you minister right to our situation on a daily basis... it's as if you live with us. lol... Thank you for your commitment to the truth and the Bible. I wish I was in Florida no doubt my family would be apart of your ministry. Please don't ever stop teaching the truth we have learned so much.
Darrly J.
NewYork, NewYork