The Irene Mills
"Fight The Good Fight" Cancer Memorial Initiative.
We invite you to learn of this epidemic that has and is affecting lives around the world; through this initiative you will learn "
The Little Known Best Ways to Prevent and Beat It; You Aren’t Being Told About.
To Give: Text "FightCancer"( All one word) to 407-456-7300

We've Better Life Empowerment in conjunction with the Blue Family have partnered and created this partnership to raise funds for research and support at Memorial Sloan Kettering, and I hope you’ll consider joining the cause and making a donation.
After losing 4 family members in the battle of Cancer in a 2 month period My father Willie L.Blue Sr., Aunt Rene wheat, Aunt Leora Heard, including our precious grandmother Irene Mills, we feel that the problem that irritates you the most, is the thing that God has called you to solve, and cancer is a irritating problem.
Many of the most important breakthroughs in cancer research and treatment have been brought to light at Memorial Sloan Kettering, and none of that progress would have been possible without support from people like you and me.
In fact, much of the most promising new research can't even begin without donations from individuals: in most cases, government funds become possible only after our support funds the early work that demonstrates real potential.
Too many of us know people who have faced a cancer diagnosis, and sometimes it's hard to know how we can make a difference. One of the most effective ways to help is to make sure the crucial work being done at Memorial Sloan Kettering continues to have the support that will drive it forward. I’ve created this page because I am determined to do my part.
When the next new breakthrough is announced, I want to know that I have been a part of making it happen, and it would mean that much more to us if you would join us in the effort so that we can say that we helped make it happen. Every dollar counts, and I hope you will be as generous as you can. So partner with us as we support in honor of Irene Mills & the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Better Life Empowerment.
Our focus on building you For Better Life As We eradicate this disease called cancer and together we can thank you in advance for your support bless you all.